POET Course

Parental Occupational Executive Training; Frisch, Tirosh & Rosenblum


Carmit Frisch PhD, BOT, Yael Wissotzky MSc, BOT


Occupational therapists


35 h



The Parental Occupational Executive Training (POET; Frisch, Tirosh & Rosenblum, 2016) intervention focuses on supporting parents understand the nature of the executive functions (EF), how they affect their children’s functioning and participation, and what parents can do to help their children become more successful in their day-to-day functioning. The POET intervention relates to all aspects of life, including navigating morning and evening routines, managing reactions to frustration and excitement, initiating organized self-play indoors, sitting at meals, and doing homework. It was developed at the University of Haifa, Israel. It comprises 8 to10 sessions and can be adjusted to be applied by parents who themselves cope with ADHD.


Experienced occupational therapists interested in learning an evidence-based intervention focused onimproving daily functioning in the natural environment of young children with ADHD symptomatology.



Participants completing this course should be able to:
Define the role of the executive functions and their relation to ADHD; identify warning signs of executive delays among children, ages 3-11 years; implement the POET intervention to improve children’s daily functioning and executive functions in their natural environment.

Participants who fulfill the POET course’s assignment requirements will become POET certified by the Department of Continuing Education & Occupational Therapy Department, University of Haifa, Israel.

The syllabus for the hybrid online POET course
Live sessions from 4 pm - 8:30 pm (GMT+3:00), Independent-work between the sessions
14 Jan 2024 (Sunday) Theoretical background and introduction to the POET: EF, their neurobiology among life span, the functional implications of delayed EF, the POET's unique characteristics, Barkley's (2012) model for EF
21 Jan 2024 (Sunday) Improving daily functioning while coping with delayed EF: behavioral and cognitive inhibition, verbal working memory, and emotional regulation
28 Jan 2024 (Sunday) Improving daily functioning while coping with delayed EF: Non- verbal working memory, Planning & problem solving, assessments for young children with ADHD symptomatology
4 Feb 2024 (Sunday) Principles of occupational performance coaching (Graham, Rodger, & Ziviani), its contribution to the POET intervention session structure and process concepts of the International Classification of Function and Health (World Health Organization, 2001), and its influence on the intervention emphasis
11 Feb 2024 (Sunday) Practicing the POET intervention and forms in varied means; processing and analyzing the experience and case reports
12 May 2024 (Sunday) Supervision, unique summary of the POET, coping with parental ADHD